Green New Deal Advocates Should Address Militarism, by Medea Benjamin – Alice Slater

Where is the call for the New Peace Deal that would free up hundreds of billions from the overblown military budget to invest in green infrastructure? Environmentalists need to contest the Pentagon’s staggering global footprint. The US military is the world’s largest institutional consumer of fossil fuels and the largest source of greenhouse gasses, contributing about 5 percent of global warming emissions.

Noam Chomsky: Trump and His Enablers Are ‘Criminally Insane’

In a new interview with Scientific American, the celebrated linguist and political theorist opines on a range of topics including classical liberalism, Trump’s presidency and his own vision of a better world. He also further clarifies why he considers the Republican Party to be “the most dangerous organization in human history.” By Jacob Sugarman  Truthdig  TD ORIGINALS  November More

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