The Revolution Televised: Episode 1 – Awakening of a Generation (Video)

Capturing the birth of the political revolution that arose from the ashes of democracy, in the wake of the controversy surrounding the 2016 Democratic Primary. Featuring Bernie Sanders, Jill Stein, Tim Black, Dr. Cornell West, and many more in episodes to follow. Write Brain Studio's The Revolution Televised; Narrated by Viggo Mortensen Episode More

Masculinity Metaphors Dominate Mainstream Media Coverage of Election

The frequent use of boxing and football metaphors in political discourse did not cause violence to become such an important force in our politics, but this usage is one measure of how presidential campaigns can be less about policy differences and complex political agendas than they can be about the selling of a certain kind of executive masculinity, embodied in a particular man whom the public comes to know largely through television and other technologies of mass communication.

Hillary Clinton: the Queen of Chaos and the Threat of World War III

My answer to the first part of the question is that “voting for Hillary because she is a woman” makes no sense to me at all. Yes, women should get together for causes that affect women in general...But Hillary Clinton is an individual, she is not women in general. Women together might fight for women’s right to be elected President, but that right exists. It cannot be reduced to one particular woman’s right to be President.

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