Corporate Media Must Stop Making Ads For Fossil Fuel Companies

Even now, when scientists say we’ve done irreversible damage to our planet, corporate and legacy news outlets won’t give up the fossil fuel dollars. Corporate Media Must Stop Making Ads For Fossil Fuel Companies Alex Kotch, Maria Bustillos, Amy Westervelt  The Lever  Opt Out  July 6, 2022 Who’s to blame for a lack of action More

Matt Taibbi: The New Kremlinology: Reading the New York Times

With censorship soaring and real reporting all but taboo, the major dailies have just one important function left: being a political signaling system The New Kremlinology: Reading the New York Times by Matt Taibbi  Substack  July 12, 2022 The New York Times has declared the President’s age acceptable for discussion. On Monday, the New York Times ran More

Homeland Security’s “Disinformation Board” is Even More Pernicious Than it Seems

One problem which emerges with this censorship regime is the question of how “disinformation” is determined or, more aptly, who determines it? This new Disinformation Board is intended to place that immense power in the hands of the U.S. Security State, such that it can now place an official “disinformation” designation over any idea or view it wishes to discredit.


"The past two weeks have seen blows against freedom of speech for independent news outlets and, indeed, for all Americans. I’m not being hyperbolic here. There are real threats to our freedom of speech against which we ought to mobilize....""Independent voices must be heard. Freedom of speech and press were among the basic tenets upon which this country was founded. We should all be willing to fight to keep those freedoms." John Kiriakou

Chris Hedges: American Commissars

The convergence of a looming economic crisis, fear by a bankrupt ruling class that they will soon be banished from power, the growing ecological catastrophe and the inability to thwart self-destructive military adventurism against Russia and China, have set the stage for an American implosion.

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