When President Obama tried to get Congress to pass simple, common sense gun control legislation after the massacre at Sandy Hook Elementary, polls showed 90% of the country backed him! But the NRA beat him. LET’S ORGANIZE THE 90%!

Filmmaker Michael Moore. (photo: New York Times)

Filmmaker Michael Moore. (photo: New York Times)

By Michael Moore, Michael Moore’s Facebook Page  Reader Supported News  October 5, 2017

y Proposal to Repeal the Second Amendment and Replace It With This:


“A well regulated State National Guard, being helpful to the safety and security of a State in times of need, along with the strictly regulated right of the people to keep and bear a limited number of non-automatic Arms for sport and hunting, with respect to the primary right of all people to be free from gun violence, this shall not be infringed.”

I, Michael Moore, along with all who support an end to this epidemic of gun violence, propose a new Amendment to our Constitution that repeals the ancient and outdated 2nd Amendment (which was written before bullets and revolvers were even invented), and replaces it with a new 28th Amendment that guarantees States can have State militias (a.k.a. State National Guards which are made up of citizen-soldiers who are called upon in times of natural disasters or other State emergencies), allows individuals to use guns for sport and gathering food, and guarantees everyone the right to be free of, and protected from, gun violence (i.e., the public’s safety comes ahead of an individual’s right to own and fire a gun).

This amendment would allow states and the federal government to pass laws that would regulate gun ownership in the following manner:

    • As over 90% of gun violence is committed by men, in order for a man to purchase a gun, he must first get a waiver from his current wife, plus his most recent ex-wife, or any woman with whom he is currently in a relationship (if he’s gay, he must get the waiver from his male spouse/partner). This law has greatly reduced most spousal/domestic gun murders in Canada.
    • All automatic and semi-automatic guns are banned.
    • No gun or clip can hold more than 6 bullets.
    • To activate a gun for it to be used, the trigger must recognize the fingerprint of its registered owner. This will eliminate most crimes committed with a gun as 80% of these crimes are done with a stolen gun.
    • One’s guns must be stored at a licensed gun club or government-regulated gun storage facility. Believing that having a gun in your home provides you with protection is an American myth. People who die from a home invasion make up a sad but minuscule .04% of all gun murders in the US. And over a third of them are killed by their own gun that the criminal has either stolen or wrestled from them.
    • To own and operate a gun one must obtain a license (like one does to operate a car). To get a license you have to complete a gun training and safety course and pass a thorough background check.
    • As nearly half of all gun deaths are suicides, mental health care must become a top national health priority and must be properly funded. And by making it more difficult to purchase a gun – and requiring its storage outside the home – easy access during a suicidal moment is denied.
    • Current restrictions placed on the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), due to successful lobbying by the NRA, have prohibited them from studying the gun violence epidemic in the US. These rules need to be removed and the funding restored. Science will then be free to find out why we are ALONE among nations in killing each other at such a massive rate (hint: It’s not just the guns – it’s us as Americans).

These are a few of the regulations that can be enacted to both protect society yet not deny hunters and sportsmen their fun. This is the sane approach that meets everyone’s needs — everyone, that is, except those of the serial killer, the mass murderer, the violent ex-husband, the disgruntled employee or the disturbed and bullied teenager. We will never eliminate all murder; that’s been with us since Cain killed Abel. But we CAN join the community of enlightened nations where gun violence is that rare occurrence — as opposed to the daily tragedy we now suffer here in the United States of America. This can come to an end with the repeal of the 2nd Amendment and replacing it with the 28th Amendment.

For those who believe it will be impossible to do this, let me close by sharing with you two important facts that should give us hope:

1. We are not a country of gun nuts. 77% of all Americans do NOT own a gun! If three-quarters of the country has decided they have no need for a gun, three-quarters of the country may also decide they have no need for an archaic amendment that allows retired accountants to own 47 assault weapons. LET’S ORGANIZE THE 77%!

2. When President Obama tried to get Congress to pass simple, common sense gun control legislation after the massacre at Sandy Hook Elementary, polls showed 90% of the country backed him! But the NRA beat him. LET’S ORGANIZE THE 90%!

We can start with the upcoming midterm election. Let every candidate know: If you take NRA money, we will remove you from office.

Then do it.

Rise Up Times Editorial Comment: I too have seen the trend that Mark Ash comments on below on Rise Up Times, especially on the Facebook pages. Because I also support dialog and discussion, I do not wish to close off open discussion, but agree that readers should be aware of  what Ash calls “operatives,” sometimes known as “trolls” who can be anywhere from blatant to extremely subtle in their comments.

Comments: A note of caution regarding our comment sections: (from Reader Supported News)

For months a stream of media reports have warned of coordinated propaganda efforts targeting political websites based in the U.S., particularly in the run-up to the 2016 presidential election.

We too were alarmed at the patterns we were, and still are, seeing. It is clear that the provocateurs are far more savvy, disciplined, and purposeful than anything we have ever experienced before.

It is also clear that we still have elements of the same activity in our article discussion forums at this time.

We have hosted and encouraged reader expression since the turn of the century. The comments of our readers are the most vibrant, best-used interactive feature at Reader Supported News. Accordingly, we are strongly resistant to interrupting those services.

It is, however, important to note that in all likelihood hardened operatives are attempting to shape the dialog our community seeks to engage in.

Adapt and overcome.

Marc Ash
Founder, Reader Supported News

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  1. Boogaloo Bro October 22, 2019 at 6:38 PM

    Congratulations Michael Moore on writing the most cringeworthy piece of illiteracy I’ve ever had the displeasure of reading. It seems painfully obvious that you’ve lost touch with reality especially if you sincerely believe everything that you wrote here. Like bruh it sounds like you’re trying to start a boogaloo on the real…..

  2. Boogaloo Bro October 22, 2019 at 6:38 PM

    Congratulations Michael Moore on writing the most cringeworthy piece of illiteracy I’ve ever had the displeasure of reading. It seems painfully obvious that you’ve lost touch with reality especially if you sincerely believe everything that you wrote here. Like bruh it sounds like you’re trying to start a boogaloo on the real.

  3. Colin Smith October 10, 2017 at 3:40 AM

    Brilliant! And long overdue. Why should the minority put the majority at risk,This should have been passed decAdes ago. Get organizing. Stop selling guns now. Let’s see if the gun-freaks are serious or are really plugging a hole in their egos.Not the NRA had no response to the Las Vegas killings. No childish little rhyme to chant like “guns don’t kill, people do”. Which isn’t true anyway,Guns are 6 times more lethal than knives. So guns do kill.But it’s mostly Americans with guns that kill.the two are a toxic mix. Start a group Michael. I’ll join.

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