Yes, Dish Network replaced the supposedly “fair and balanced” Fox News with the channel founded by radical right-wing conspiracy pushing propagandist Glenn Beck.

fox_ff_hasselbeck_videogames_130917e-615x345By now many people have heard about Dish Network dropping Fox News (at least temporarily) from its broadcasts over a contract dispute. While contract disputes between networks and television providers are nothing new, Fox News being dumped by one of the country’s largest television providers has irritated many conservatives while humoring quite a few liberals.

But as we all know it’s only a matter of time before this dispute is settled and Fox News returns to Dish Network’s airwaves to push their nonsense. Though in the meantime, this little spat has had an impact on Fox News ratings as they’ve seen a 12 percent decrease in viewership over this time last year – which makes sense considering Dish Network owns just over a 13 percent share of the pay-TV marketplace.

Interestingly, another noteworthy aspect has emerged during this tiff between Dish Network and Fox News – Dish Network has essentially exposed Fox News as nothing more than right-wing propaganda and conservative entertainment.

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You see, in their rush to try to appease the complaints they’ve gotten from many of their customers, they found what they seem to think is a suitable replacement for Fox News: Glenn Beck’s TheBlaze channel.

Yes, Dish Network replaced the supposedly “fair and balanced” Fox News with the channel founded by radical right-wing conspiracy pushing propagandist Glenn Beck.

Now, why would they replace a supposed “news” network with a channel that’s nothing more than right-wing propaganda? That doesn’t make any sense. Unless, of course, they know that Fox News is nothing more than conservative entertainment and instead of replacing it with some kind of legitimate news channel, they chose to replace the network with a channel that panders to conservatives.

Because that’s exactly what Fox News does. 

Dish Network wouldn’t have temporarily replaced Fox News with TheBlaze unless the content they provide didn’t pander to the exact same type of viewer. And while I’m sure it’s not, it should be an absolute embarrassment to Fox News that Dish Network essentially exposed them for what they are – just a conservative entertainment channel masquerading as a news network.

And while I’m sure this will have absolutely no impact on what conservatives think of Fox News (it’s amazing how so many of them honestly believe it’s an actual impartial news network), it’s still made me laugh that when Dish Network was pressed to replace the “fair and balanced” Fox News, they chose a channel that was founded by a radical conspiracy pushing right-wing idiot. Because they know damn well that Beck’s TheBlaze panders to the exact same demographic and viewer as Fox News.

About Allen Clifton
Allen Clifton is from the Dallas-Fort Worth area and has a degree in Political Science. He is a co-founder of Forward Progressives, and author of the popular Right Off A Cliff column. He is also the founder of the Right Off A Cliff facebook page, on which he routinely voices his opinions and stirs the pot for the Progressive movement. Follow Allen on Twitter as well, @Allen_Clifton.

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By Published On: January 8th, 2015Comments Off on Allen Clifton: Dish Network Exposes Fox News as Nothing More than a Conservative Entertainment Channel

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