[youtube=http://youtu.be/13_xnLcT4ZA] Rumi – Guest House
This being human is a guest house: Every morning a new arrival.  joy, sorrow, a meanness,  a pinch of conscience fleeting, all appearing Like an unexpected guest. Greet them and enjoy everyone! Even if you are a group of regret,  what your house shakes violently emptied of furniture. however, treat each guest honorably. He can lead you to a new delight. thought dark, shame, malice, Greet them at the door laughing,  and invite them inside. Be thankful every day that comes, Because each has been sent As a guide from beyond.

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Rumi – Casa de oaspeţi
Această fiinţă umană este o casă de oaspeţi:
În fiecare dimineaţă, un nou venit.
O bucurie, o întristare, o josnicie,
O priză de conştiinţă trecătoare, toate apar
Precum un oaspete neaşteptat.
Întâmpină-i şi bucură-i pe toţi!
Chiar dacă sunt un grup de regrete,
Ce-ţi zguduie violent casa golită de mobilă.
Totuşi, tratează onorabil fiecare oaspete.
El te poate conduce spre o nouă încântare.
Gândul întunecat, ruşinea, răutatea,
Întâmpină-le la uşă râzând,
Şi invită-le înăuntru.
Fii recunoscător oricărui oaspete ce vine,
Căci fiecare a fost trimis
Ca un ghid de dincolo.
Rumi – Guest House
This being human is a guest house: Every morning a new arrival.  joy, sorrow, a meanness,  a pinch of conscience fleeting, all appearing Like an unexpected guest. Greet them and enjoy everyone! Even if you are a group of regret,  what your house shakes violently emptied of furniture. however, treat each guest honorably. He can lead you to a new delight. thought dark, shame, malice, Greet them at the door laughing,  and invite them inside. Be thankful every day that comes, Because each has been sent As a guide from beyond.

Published on Jun 25, 2013

Tatiana Blue Tatiana Blue

By Published On: June 17th, 2014Comments Off on ▶ The Guest House (poem by Rumi) – music Frederic Delarue (Inspiration)

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