Protesters Occupying Monsanto Corp. Arrested

Anthony Gucciardi   4 March 2012   Nation of Change

“Police threatened protesters with arrest if they did not move away from the doors, and 12 were ultimately arrested. According to the report, 10 were arrested for ‘blocking the entrance’ and 2 were arrested for crossing a police line.”

Tak­ing a stand against the agri­cul­tural takeover of the United States and world­wide, a group of Oc­cupy DC mem­bers began to protest out­side the of­fices of Mon­santo. Tak­ing part in an at­tempt to help raise aware­ness over the atroc­i­ties com­mit­ted by mega cor­po­ra­tions like Mon­santo, Oc­cupy mem­bers as far away as Port­land helped to or­ga­nize the na­tional protest. In the call to ac­tion state­ment pro­vided by Oc­cupy Port­land, the move­ment stated that the protest was to high­light the fact that “cor­po­ra­tions buy off leg­is­la­tors and craft leg­is­la­tion that serves the in­ter­ests of cor­po­ra­tions and not peo­ple.” Ac­cord­ing to Oc­cupy DC, about 12 mem­bers were ar­rested.

Pro­test­ers were told by D.C. po­lice of­fi­cers to re­move them­selves from the Mon­santo of­fice, where they formed a line around the build­ing. One po­lice of­fi­cer, William Farr, said that around 50 pro­test­ers gath­ered around the build­ing. Po­lice threat­ened pro­test­ers with ar­rest if they did not move away from the doors, and 12 were ul­ti­mately ar­rested. Ac­cord­ing to the re­port, 10 were ar­rested for ‘block­ing the en­trance’ and 2 were ar­rested for cross­ing a po­lice line. One of the in­di­vid­u­als ar­rested was an Amer­i­can Uni­ver­sity stu­dent doing a re­port on po­lice bru­tal­ity.

Dur­ing their protest at Mon­santo cor­po­ra­tion, pro­test­ers chanted things like ”Mon­santo and ALEC, cor­po­ra­tions are mak­ing us sick.” Pro­test­ers were even quoted as say­ing that Mon­santo ”is doing more to make a sus­tain­able world im­pos­si­ble than al­most any cor­po­ra­tion on the planet.”

Mon­santo was de­clared worst com­pany of 2011 for their nu­mer­ous acts against na­ture and pub­lic health. In ad­di­tion to run­ning slave rings and con­trol­ling U.S. diplo­mats be­hind the scenes to push their agenda, Mon­santo is also en­sur­ing that you have no idea whether or not you are eat­ing their ge­net­i­cally mod­i­fied foods. Squash­ing la­bel­ing ini­tia­tives all over the na­tion through ad­mit­ted in­flu­ence, Mon­santo wants to make sure you’re in the dark about their lat­est GMO cre­ations.

via Protesters Occupying Monsanto Corp. Arrested | NationofChange.

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By Published On: March 4th, 2012Comments Off on Anthony Gucciardi> Protesters Occupying Monsanto Corp. Arrested

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