Caitlin Johnstone: Access Journalism at Its Most Pernicious

New York Times editors changed a recent headline from “As Ukraine’s Fight Falters, It Gets Even Harder to Talk About Negotiations” to “As Ukraine’s Fight Grinds On, Talk of Negotiations Becomes Nearly Taboo”, apparently for no other reason than because “grinds on” advances the information interests of the US empire better than “falters”.

Media Misled on Issues Important to Midterm Voterism, by David W. Moore

 "New York Times (10/19/22) had that the election was breaking in favor of Republicans for three reasons: the importance of inflation and crime, the relative unimportance of abortion, and the historical pattern of midterm elections that tend to be a referendum on the party of the president. All these claims, of course, turned out to be wrong."

Matt Taibbi: The New Kremlinology: Reading the New York Times

With censorship soaring and real reporting all but taboo, the major dailies have just one important function left: being a political signaling system The New Kremlinology: Reading the New York Times by Matt Taibbi  Substack  July 12, 2022 The New York Times has declared the President’s age acceptable for discussion. On Monday, the New York Times ran More

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