“Israel’s official position is that this is not an area under
belligerent occupation [1967 areas]. Go onto the Foreign Ministry’s websites and you’ll see.

“We did not accept the Geneva Convention,
because we knew it would be against us….When Joshua ben Nun [the
biblical prophet] entered the land, he sent three messages to its
inhabitants: those who want to accept [our rule] will accept; those
who want to leave, will leave; those who want to fight, will fight.
The basis of his strategy was: We are here, we have come, this is
ours. Now too, three doors will be open, there is no fourth door.
Those who want to leave – and there will be those who leave – I will
help them. When they have no hope and no vision, they will go. As they
did in 1948. Those who do not go will either accept the rule of the
Jewish state, in which case they can remain, and as for those who do
not, we will fight them and defeat them”

—Knesset Member Bezalel, Smotrich interview in Haaretz

Senate Passes a Dumb and Dangerous Bill by James J. Zogby

This week, without debate or an actual vote, the US Senate stealthily
passed a disturbing and dangerous piece of legislation introduced by
Senators Tim Scott (R-SC) and Bob Casey (D-PA). Called “The
Anti-Semitism Awareness Act of 2016” (AAA), the Scott-Casey bill
requires the Department of Education (DOE) to apply the State
Department’s (DOS) definition of anti-Semitism in evaluating
complaints of discrimination on US campuses… more at.
(The bill will allow the Israel lobby to outlaw criticism of Israeli apartheid?)
Senate Passed Anti-Free Speech Bill; House Considers Bill: It targets
human rights activists, not hatred.

10 Zionist Arguments You’ve Encountered, But Didn’t Have Answers To

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Stay human and come visit us in occupied Palestine.

Mazin Qumsiyeh
A bedouin in cyberspace, a villager at home
Professor and (volunteer) Director
Palestine Museum of Natural History
Palestine Institute of Biodiversity and Sustainability
Bethlehem University
Occupied Palestine
HumanRights newsletter

No Peace! No Justice!  Please share this post.

By Published On: December 6th, 2016Comments Off on Mazin Qumsiyeh | Action in Politics, Israel/Palestine

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